Advanced cinematic (ACES) color grading

Use the following workflow when adjusting color grading in the Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) color space.

  1. Click the Organize button at the top of the Catalyst Prepare window to view the Media Browser.

  2. Double-click a clip in the Media Browser to load the clip you want to edit. When you load a clip, the color-correction settings saved with the clip are loaded.

    Color correction is available only in Edit mode.

  3. Click the Adjust Color button at the bottom of the Catalyst Prepare window. In this mode, Catalyst Prepare displays a waveform/histogram/vectorscope monitor, a video preview, and color controls that you can use to adjust the appearance of your video.

    The waveform/histogram/vectorscope monitor and video preview window allow you to monitor your progress as you adjust color values. For more information, see "Editing Color Adjustments controls."

  4. Click the Inspector button in the toolbar to display the Inspector pane if it isn't already visible. In the Adjust Color workspace, the Inspector pane provides controls that you will use to adjust color-grading settings.

  5. The Source drop-down list displays the color space that is applied to your source media. Click the Unlock button and choose a setting from the Source drop-down list to choose the color space that should be applied to the source media. When you choose a setting, the video preview is updated.

    • Choose S-Gamut/S-Log2 for S-Log2, RAW, or X-OCN sources.

    • Choose S-Gamut3.Cine/S-Log3 or S-Gamut3/S-Log3 for S-Log3, RAW, or X-OCN sources.

  6. The Working box displays the color space that should be applied to color grading adjustments. Click the Options button and choose ACES from the Working color space drop-down list to change the setting if necessary.

  7. If your source video is set to S-Gamut/S-Log2, S-Gamut3.Cine/S-Log3, or S-Gamut3/S-Log3, you can use the Source Settings controls to adjust the Exposure, Temperature, and Tint of your clip. For more information, see "Editing Color Adjustments controls."

  8. Use the color wheels and controls in the Inspector pane to adjust your colors as needed. For more information, see "Editing Color Adjustments controls."

  9. Click the Tools button at the bottom of the Catalyst Prepare window and choose Export color settings from the menu if you want to export your settings as a 3D LUT file.

    Output will be Rec.709 (full).

    For more information, see "Exporting color-correction settings."