Catalyst Browse™

The complex world of media production requires powerful media management. Catalyst Browse, a cross-platform viewing and logging tool for all Sony Pro formats, offers streamlined media management that simplifies your workflow.
A powerful clip-management tool for the latest Sony cameras and decks
Catalyst Browse works as your media assistant and lets you browse files from your Sony camera, deck, or card reader. With detailed views of individual clips, you can see and edit media metadata, accurately view video in the proper source color space, and apply color correction and color looks. Once you've selected the clips you need, you can copy them to a local hard drive or connected NAS, upload to Ci, the video cloud service by Sony, transcode to a variety of formats, as well as create, ingest, and export Sony Professional Disc clip lists.

Quickly browse files on your device in a visual thumbnail view or a detailed list.

Places Pane
The Places pane provides quick access to your internal and external drives, and any connected devices such as cameras, decks, or card readers. Drag and drop files between connected devices and internal or external storage.

See the details of each clip, mark in and out points, adjust colors, and edit metadata.

Fast Copy
Copy all clips on the media, a subset, or only the desired portion of a clip to save time and space. The “Use fast device-to-device copy” option lets you copy clips directly between an XDCAM device and another device via FTP to save even more time.

Wide Color Gamut
View the full color range of your Sony S-Log, X-OCN, and RAW files for total confidence. Apply color correction and import/export standard ASC-CDL files to save time and share with other tools in your workflow.

Flash Band Correction
Automatically detect and repair flash band problems created by flash photography.

Transcode and Cloud
Transcode clips to a variety of video production formats. Upload clips directly to Ci, the video cloud service by Sony, with your account or a contributor code for collaborative team review. Supported video formats and devices.

Clip Lists
Create, import, and export Sony Professional Disc clip lists for quick playout.
Need even more power?

Go beyond browsing and viewing to a full-featured media preparation and logging tool. Watch this video to learn how Catalyst Prepare can improve your workflow in the field or in the studio. For additional information on the differences between these products, please refer to this comparison chart.

Switching to Catalyst Browse
Currently using RAW Viewer or Content Browser? View our comparison chart to see if Catalyst Browse is the right solution for your workflow.

Want to learn even more about Catalyst Browse?
See our application help to learn how to use the software.
Catalyst Browse system requirements
- Für 4K-Medien wird ein 8-Core-Prozessor empfohlen
- Für XAVC S-Medien wird ein Ivy Bridge Core i7 mit Quick Sync Video oder Xeon E5 Prozessor empfohlen
- Für 4:2:0 XAVC HS Medien wird ein Kaby Lake Core i7 Prozessor mit Quick Sync Video empfohlen; für 8K-Medien ist dieser erforderlich
- Für 4:2:2 XAVC HS Medien wird ein Ice Lake Core i7 Prozessor mit Quick Sync Video empfohlen; für 8K-Medien ist dieser erforderlich
Die XAVC Long 422 3840 x 2160 200 Mb/s (Sony)-Transcodierungsvoreinstellungen benötigen mindestens 16 GB RAM. Wenn Sie eine spezielle GPU verwenden, benötigen die Voreinstellungen ebenfalls mindestens 4 GB GPU-Speicher.
- Um eine optimale Leistung zu erzielen, wird OpenGL 2.1 empfohlen
- Für die Videostabilisierung/Objektiv-Atemkompensation wird OpenGL 4.1 benötigt
- Für 4K-Vorschau, HD-Rendering und HD-Videostabilisierung/Objektiv-Atemkompensation wird ein GPU-Arbeitsspeicher von 2 GB empfohlen
- Zur Dekodierung von XAVC S oder XAVC HS Medien wird ein GPU-Arbeitsspeicher von 6GB empfohlen. Außerdem empfehlen wir die Verwendung der neuesten GPU-Treiberversion von NVIDIA, AMD/ATI oder Intel. macOS bietet Softwaredekodierung für XAVC S oder XAVC HS Medien.
- Für 4K-Rendering wird ein GPU-Arbeitsspeicher von 6 GB empfohlen
- Für 8K-Rendering oder 4K-Videostabilisierung/Objektiv-Atemkompensation wird ein GPU-Arbeitsspeicher von 8 GB empfohlen
- Für 8K-Videostabilisierung/Objektiv-Atemkompensation wird ein GPU-Arbeitsspeicher von 10 GB empfohlen